The purpose of this page is to detail the content Venturesome Dreamer offers, its schedule, and what it can offer YOU. If you’d like to get to know more about me, check out my Welcome post!

Why bello there! I’m Diego!

Here’s my face at 23 years old! Yes, yes, I need an updated headshot.

Ok. So you might be thinking…

Why should I subscribe?

Um… I think the correct question should be: why shouldn’t you subscribe? Boom. Done. Mic drop. There’s the subscribe button. Bye.

… Did I put a smile on that face? Or maybe give you a case of the giggles? Then I did my job. Anywho. In all seriousness, my Substack is for…

  • Rebels

  • Dreamers

  • Artists

  • Empaths

  • Misfits

Sound like you? Great. You’re in the right place. I kind of already gave away what my Substack can do for YOU with my mission statement above but allow me to break down each stanza.

To step into the unknown, come what may

To inspire you to take a risk and try something new in your life that’s dear to you. It doesn’t have to be something big. For some, taking a risk means mustering up the courage to ask your boss for a raise. For others, it means letting go of your earthly possessions and becoming a nomad. Nevertheless, be it from my non-fiction or fiction, I hope that somehow, someway, I can inspire you to step into the unknown and face whatever obstacles come your way.

Growth lies on the other side of discomfort. Just imagine how much you can grow should you choose to tackle the unknown.

To see with unprejudiced eyes

To remind you to stay open. Open to other people’s perspectives, way of life, culture, and way of being. There’s so much we can learn from one another but we can only learn if we put aside our initial beliefs and opinions. If we listen rather than talk. Understand rather than disregard. Accept rather than reject.

Tear down restrictive walls

To remind you that it’s ok to step to the beat of a different drummer. That it’s ok to step away from the beaten path and forge your own. And to remind you that though traditions, rules, and routines can be a good thing, they can also restrict and bind you to one way of thinking. One way of being. Don’t let it come to that. Tear down those restrive walls and brace yourself to see a new horizon.

To inspire empathy and change

To make you feel something that inspires you to make a change in your life. Be it a kinder human being, a bad bitch that stops caring about other people’s opinions, or something entirely different.

Ok, Diego, you may be thinking, that’s all nice and sweet but WHAT exactly will you write about?

What you’ll get

  • Blog posts, articles, and voice recordings about mental health, self-development, and life.

  • Chapters and behind-the-scenes content of my upcoming fictional books.

  • Thoughts and feelings about whatever the fuck I want.

What I aim to do with my writing

  • To inspire

  • To entertain

  • To make you feel seen and understood

  • To enlighten

Free subscription

  • Essays, blogs, and articles.

  • Chapters and behind-the-scenes content of my fictional books.

  • Voice recordings.

Paid subscription

  • All of my content will be free.

  • Upgrading to a paid subscription supports me as an artist.


  • Ebb and flow: Essay/article/ voice recordings/ fictional chapter released at 8 a.m.

Alms! Alms! For a struggling artist!

Care to save a deprived brown boy from the harsh and gang-ridden streets of San Bernardino?

Cue Sarah McLachlan’s “In The Arms of an Angel”

Then please consider upgrading to a paid subscription today!

Save a brown boy today!

Or, you know… don’t. It’s ok. I don’t mind getting addicted to crack. Or selling this booty for $5. Or living in fear every night as I pray to God my baby mama don’t beat me harder than she did last night.

Me STILL living on the streets with my baby mama because you didn’t upgrade your subscription.

About my fictional books

My books are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

I’ve written a noir set in L.A. during 1928, a speculative fiction journey that refuses to be bound by one genre, and I plan to write so, so, much more. Again, it goes back to my mission: to tear down restrictive walls.

Nevertheless, there have been common threads in my books. They…

  1. Contain graphic violence.

  2. Tackle difficult and real themes such as trauma and grief.

  3. Are unapologetically raw and emotional.

The common themes my books revolve around are…

  1. Change.

  2. Redemption.

  3. Trauma.

Like what you hear? Then go ahead and spread the word about my Substack!

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Musing about mental health and life, talking about my books, and contemplating about whatever the fuck I want.


Just a city boy livin' in a lonely world